It’s true.
I only know one joke.
To assume I am not funny because of it (hmm, is that right? maybe it is cause and not effect), however, would be a mistake.
I am funny.
I say funny things.
I say non-funny things in funny ways.
But even were that not the case, my one joke is stupendous enough to withstand any harsh criticism of its loner status.
The Joke:
Teller of joke: Do you know what a twip is?
Tellee: No, what is it? [In my experience, this line is most often not performed to satisfaction and one is obliged to prompt the tellee to the correct response.]
Teller: A wide on a twain.
I think the source of this joke was dear mummy. Maybe.
Other jokes from my childhood I only remember vaguely. There was one joke that had to do with silverware… “a knife an a fork! a knife and a fork!” But I don’t think that was the main point of it. Then there was a joke about 10 cent oranges, about which I remember nothing else, except that they were “very very fresh.” Another had to do with a pink house and pink books with pink paper and pink words. I don’t think the pink joke was very funny.
Feel free to post these jokes if you recall them…
As a final point, which is hardly worth mentioning, I do remember a knock knock joke, but I don’t count it because knock knock jokes are excessively lame and stupid.
you're back!! i was wondering if you'd post again... good joke. :)
The pink joke originated from a night on the town with the DeWaals. Michelle told it in the car. I never thought it was funny either.
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