I'm a web 2.0er. As such, I am obsessed with a few websites. These include:
Mint.com: Great for managing money. It's free, and has nearly all the capabilities of Microsoft Money. (And it doesn't screw up your accounts like Money does, AND it has no annual fee, let alone any fee.) And it's totally secure.
Geni.com: This is a family networking site. You can keep track of cousins, their kids, their birthdays, and post photos and events. It's nice for putting down information about ancestors too. You can share ancestor information easily with family, which you cannot do with personal ancestral files (PAF). This site is also secure.
Librarything: I already
blogged about this. This site remains totally awesome. I have no idea if this website is secure, but who cares if people know what books you read?
Goodreads: This is the lesser version of Librarything, but it's completely free and more people use it so you can network with your friends on the site and see what they're reading and what reviews they've written. Ditto on security.
By the way, I am not obsessed with Facebook or My Space. Especially not My Space.