Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Exit Mundi.

So..long ago, I discovered a lovely site..called Exit Mundi. Perhaps not so oddly enough, even though I generally loathe and avoid the inaccurate and overdramatized end-of-the-world movies, I like this website that lists even more far-fetched end world scenarios. But the main point of this paragraph, is an introduction to this cartoon, which I think is especially marvelous.


Anonymous said...

What a great cartoon. I also like the exit mundi site (did you show it to me)?

Anonymous said...

Say, how do I subscribe to your blog? Is there a way for me to get notices of your most recent profound cartoons and poems?

Laura said...

yes, i did show it to you (a long time ago). You can subscribe with the button on the right of the page (as of 10 minutes ago).

Anonymous said...

I love the cartoon. I think I'll print it on flannel and crochet a baby blanket. It will be the best yet.

Anonymous said...

in principio erat verbum sed in extremis erit ni mundus ni verbum blogae.

In the beginning there was a word but in the end there will be neither world nor the word of the bloggeress.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.