Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A poet. A poet? Perhaps not.

I have dozens of really terrible poems that I have composed over the years. Nothing too recent though. Some examples worthy of note are two of my sonnets. I wrote a sonnet about papayas. I also wrote one that involved a cuvette. I think the worst poem ever was an ode to a font that I liked (not a sonnet, if you wondered). I wrote it first in the font (which also happened to look incomprehensible with heiroglyphic characters), then "translated" it into ... Times New Roman, perhaps? The font was called "King Tut." Enjoy.

This is King Tut.
I am illiterate.
I do not know how to spell
mischeif, nor retreive.
Or marraige.
You must not comprehend
what this says.
If you can, you have deTUTed it.
You must die.

Hmm..written in 2000. I still manage to write odes for people (usually on birthday cards). I wrote an Ode to Robitussin once. Maybe, someday, if you win a place in my heart, I'll write an ode to you.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish.